Food Safety is a scientific discipline, a collection of methodologies that describe the production, handling, preparation and storage of food in a manner that helps to prevent food borne illnesses.

It is important for manufacturers, producers, distributors, retailers and consumers to be aware of how their behaviours and activities impact the safety of food and how we all can help reduce the risk of food borne illnesses.

Jordan Food Safety & Quality Inc. can assist you wherever your involvement in the food supply chain exists, with a customized and practical approach to your particular food safety needs.
Services Offered
  • Development of SOPs and SSOPs
  • Traceability/Recall Plan preparedness
  • Corrective Actions Plans
  • Compliance (Sobey’s, Walmart, Costco) requirements for vendors/suppliers
  • Pre-Audit assessment
  • Food Safety Program development and implementation
  • Customized support, prior to/post CFIA inspections